Final Wrap Up From Our CASA Running Warrior's 100-Mile Ultramarathon

From Michigan CASA Board Member and Livingston County CASA Volunteer Amy D’Aprile:

I know I am late in creating this message, but I felt I needed the time to absorb all that occurred before and during this incredible and rewarding experience. I didn’t want to take it lightly nor under appreciate the journey. Remember I am no creative writer, just a runner who is sharing her heartfelt feelings.

I started this journey wanting to challenge myself; to find my mental and physical limits. There were moments during my training that I doubted myself; I thought "have I overreached my abilities". However, every time that occurred God surrounded me with truly remarkable and inspiring people to lift me up and keep me focused (to name a few: Tina, Marion, Patricia). As the day neared and we began the task of prepping and packing, I was both enthusiastic and introspective.

Upon our arrival at Belleville, we were busy setting up camp and preparing for what was to come; Kevin with his lights would be my beacon through the night. With the monsoon like weather, this was going to be an experience I would not soon forget. During the event I met tons of unbelievably strong and cheerful runners with huge smiles and constant words of encouragement. The race directors (Yay! I finally met Scotty and Kylia) and volunteers (too many to mention them all) were always there with delicious hot food (brats and burgers with mustard, pickle, no bun in a cup and the ooey gooey, Scotty created peanut butter and jelly waffled sandwich), hot beverages (fully caffeinated black coffee with no sugar, that scared my family, I don’t do caffeine because it makes me more hyper than normal ), and upbeat music (I loved the disco ball at Dot’s Tavern). Needless to say I accomplished my goal in a time I didn’t expect (36.5 hours clock time, 29.5 hours if you remove the 7ish hours I stopped to avoid the 45mph winds and horizontal rain). As for the official results, all I know is I was the first female runner to complete 100 miles in the 48hr event. SUCCESS!! I walked away with only one minor blister; well two if you count the one I discovered a few days later under a toenail.

Last but not least, I have so many people to THANK….

First and foremost, a HUGE thank you to my precious husband and #1 cheerleader for the many hours of training spent away from him. Although it frightened him at times, he always supported my goal, what more can I ask for. Like us runners, he endured the torrential rains and gusty winds as the human tent anchor at camp; he was just trying to survive and keep everything bound to the ground. I LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU more than words can express!!

My beautiful, loving cousin Donna and her wonderful husband John from Chicago: Thank you for taking photos, drying water drenched clothes and shoes, running miles with me, making me smile, and keeping me distracted with your special and humorous stories. You both completed deconstructed half marathons.

Gemini and Guy, my "framily" from Minnesota: Thank you Gemini for running miles with me (I knew you could run further than you thought). Thank you Guy for packing up camp (I thought I could pack but I have met the master). Thank you both for taking photos and videos.

Julie, a previous co-worker and fellow runner from NC: Sorry you didn’t get to run with me due to the crazy weather (I’m not sure you’re disappointed but there is next year ). I learned she is originally from Wisconsin, her aunt and uncle live 10mins away from Dot's Tavern, and her mother lives in Wisconsin.

Jennifer, with Michigan CASA: Thank you for running a few miles in honor of my fundraiser. Thank you for the never-ending and always supportive social media posts before, during, and after my run. You kept my fundraiser top of mind.

My FB friends: Thank you for your thoughtful words that left me speechless at times. Your support of my hairbrained ideas allow me to live out my passion and mission (Inspire and motivate others to inspire and motivate others).

Then there were the donors… ASTOUNDED and OVERWHELMED me with your boundless generosity!!! We raised $7k (and still counting if you wish to donate, for Michigan CASA and CASA of Livingston County; both near and dear to my heart. Both organizations are dedicated to changing the lives of abused and neglected children by advocating for their best interests and ensuring every child that needs a volunteer, has one. YOU have given these children a voice!!

Like I said previously, I am not sure if this will be my FIRST and ONLY 100 mile buckle. What I do know is I am open to that next new challenge as long as it is God-driven and God-focused.

Grace and Peace be yours in Abundance from the Running Warrior!

Amy at her 2023 100-Mile Ultramarathon.


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