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Re-Imagining Chapter 7: The Bigger Picture of LGBTQ+ Education and Advocacy for Foster Youth

Presented by Mary Finedore, the goal of this training is to explore and expand the depth and context of the case study presented in Chapter 7 on LGBTQ+ youth. Relevant statistics will be used as guiding points for the broader context of the importance of LGBTQ+ advocacy and the case study will be analyzed in great depth, focusing on the very subtle and not to subtle nuances of the case that often go unaddressed and thereby leave important opportunities for advocacy untapped. This training will be an interactive deep dive into how to teach this section with updated facts, context, prompting and engaging questions and room for any other concerns folks may have regarding LGBTQ+ advocacy.

Mary is a CASA and a rising third year medical student at MSU-CHM. She is dedicated to working with underserved/under-resourced populations and has a specific dedication to children and adolescents in the foster care/welfare system. Mary has worked as a health advocate and coach, an LGBTQ+ youth group facilitator and leader, an LGBTQ+ healthcare trainer for Planned Parenthood and the Illinois Department of Health, a student educator at MSU-CHM on LGBTQ+ healthcare topics, and is an LGBTQ+ trainer with CASA of Kent County, helping to train new CASA volunteers on ways to best advocate for LGBTQ+ youth in the foster system.

** For Michigan CASA Staff and Volunteers

March 20

Situational Awareness: Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Safety and Well-Being in the Field.

April 23

Volunteer Recruitment & Retention (Part 3)