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Implicit Bias: How it Impacts Our Work with Children and Families

For Michigan CASA Staff & Volunteers**

Research has shown that biases can impact our perceptions of certain groups of people and how we treat them, they can influence our work and undermine our efforts to be fair and equitable. These biases may directly influence our assessment of safety and risk, and may alter our own threshold for intervention or apprehension. (NCYL, 2015) Implicit Bias (also known as unconscious bias) is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, and can affect our judgments, decisions, and behaviors. (NIH 2022).

Paul T. Doyle with Inclusive Performance Strategies, will facilitate a learning session for CASA staff and volunteers that will explore the influence implicit bias may have on their interactions personally and professionally.

The learning session will be structured by the following objectives: • What is Unconscious bias and how is it formed in our minds? • What are the most common types of unconscious bias? • What are some approaches and resources to help mitigate them?

Inclusive Performance Strategies (IPS) is a Grand Rapids, Michigan based consulting firm that supports the development of diversity, equity, and inclusion with organizations to foster diverse and inclusive work and service environments. Paul T. Doyle, Founder and CEO applies over 30 years of management and leadership experience in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors to inspire organizations to enhance their performance by developing inclusive and equitable work and service environments.

Registration Required

January 16

Volunteer Recruitment & Retention

February 20

Volunteer Recruitment & Retention (Part 2)